Drama in Real Life

 Today morning, the  repeated and very agitated calls of a tailor bird made me rush to the back of my house. There, my neighbour's mango tree was the source of commotion. A tussle was going on between a towering female koel and a tiny defender, the tailor bird.  It's frantic,  towit-towit calls  became even more furious as it tried to chase the koel away from the scene. The koel kept dodging and refused to leave.... But the tiny bird would not settle for a ' NO'. For the next 2 minutes, it put up a spirited fight. The koel became increasingly frustrated and helpless, gave up eventually and made a quick retreat from the battle. The tailor bird was not satisfied with that. It pursued the fleeing koel for a good 20- metres, till the koel vanished from the garden. The tiny bird's relentless fight had to be seen to be believed.... We all know that it's nesting season starts from April -- Perhaps it had its nest there. But I could not locate any because of the thick foilage.


  1. Nature's drama well documented through your lovely narration.
    Keep it going!!

  2. Fantastic narration. Very beautifully decribed in such a way that the whole scene was in front of my eyes. Could imagine the birds' voice too ! Excellent ! Liked it.


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